Hoi, Hola, Salut, Hello, Ciao, Zdravo, Merhaba, ...
New in Liechtenstein? What is there to know about Liechtenstein?
Here you will find information about the country and the municipalities, the political systems and how Liechtenstein strives for the integration of migrants.
This website is designed to help you if you are new to Liechtenstein. We want you to be able to find your way around Liechtenstein quickly.
You will find a lot of information under the main topics above.
We strive to keep the information on the page always up to date.
Do you have any questions? Is there a topic missing?
Or have you discovered an error?
Then please contact us at:
Learning Box "The Dance Bear"
"Exit from Domestic Violence"
Art Museum Special | Dancing with DJ Sigi
Children's University with UNICEF
Free Children's Christmas Cinema
Eliot's Storytime
Book Start
Crafts and Stories
AI and Human Rights
Children's Advent Afternoon
Creative Mauren
Coffee and Cake - Advent in the National Library
Book Start
Book Start
Understanding Dementia Better
Interesting Facts about Care and Support Allowance
Schaaner Familienfest
What do I need to know to live and reside in Liechtenstein?
Here you will find various information on the topics of housing and apartment search, as well as health, preventive care, and emergencies.
Under the menu item Family, you will find support offers and care options for children.
In addition, Liechtenstein offers many recreational opportunities for children and adolescents as well as for seniors.
What does the school system in Liechtenstein look like? What educational opportunities are there?
For successful integration, it is very important to learn the German language.
Here you will find language courses and a wide range of educational offerings for young and old.
How do I find a job and where can I get support?
Liechtenstein relies on the talents and potentials of foreign workers. Here you will find important information and contact points for job searching.
What are the entry and residence regulations in Liechtenstein? What insurances are required?
Liechtenstein's residence law is very strict. Here you will find information on the regulations and which insurances are mandatory.
Do you have questions?
We would be happy to assist you.
You can reach us by email at info@integration.li