
Liechtenstein offers an excellent education system with a variety of opportunities for training and further education. This supports all individuals in their personal and individual development.


In every municipality in Liechtenstein, there are municipal schools. These consist of kindergarten and the subsequent primary school. Not every municipality has a secondary school, such as a high school or secondary school. Liechtenstein has a gymnasium located in Vaduz.

The different school levels are explained further down.

Here is a general overview of all schools in Liechtenstein:

    School Levels


    The kindergarten lasts 2 years. Children from 4 years old can attend. Attendance is voluntary, but most children go to kindergarten. Children who cannot or only speak little German must attend kindergarten for at least one year before starting school. Kindergarten is integrated with the primary school into the so-called municipal school.

      Primary School

      At 6 years old, children start school (primary school). It consists of 5 school years. If children need more support, they receive it through special programs. Children and adolescents who have developmental impairments can attend the special educational day school of the educational center in Schaan.

      It is very important to promote the permeability between school types. If there is a reason, children should be able to switch between school types. This can happen if a child has problems in school, or if their performance is very good.

        Secondary Level I

        After primary school, children and adolescents attend the 4-year secondary level I.

        Here, there are 3 types of schools:

        High school, secondary school, and gymnasium.

        The type of school one can attend depends on the performance in primary school. All schools at secondary level I are general education schools. However, they differ in terms of requirements. In secondary schools, students aged 11 to 16 are prepared for vocational schools. Or for other advanced secondary schools.

        High School

        The high school is a general education school with different levels of demand. It includes school levels 6 to 9.

        Here, students are prepared for working life or transferring to secondary school.

        Small classes allow for a precise response to the needs of children and adolescents.

        Secondary School

        The secondary school is a challenging and performance-oriented school. Children and adolescents are prepared here for demanding vocational training. Or for transitioning to the upper grade of the gymnasium or to a vocational maturity school.

        It includes school levels 6 to 9.


        The gymnasium lasts a total of 7 years. It concludes with the maturity exam. A broad education is provided and students are prepared for higher education. The lower level lasts 3 years. The transition options from secondary school to the gymnasium and vice versa are possible up to the 4th school level. Thus, there is good permeability within the Liechtenstein school system.

        Voluntary 10th School Year

        The voluntary 10th school year can be attended after completing secondary level I. It lasts one year and aims to optimally prepare learners for their professional future. It offers 4 different focuses - depending on interests and individual performance potential.

        Sports School

        Some students are engaged in competitive sports. For these young people, there is the Sports School Liechtenstein. It aims to prepare young people for a career in competitive or elite sports. Under certain conditions, they have the opportunity to attend secondary level I at the secondary school in Schaan or secondary level II at the gymnasium.

        Other Schools

        International School Rheintal (ISR)

        The ISR, Buchs, offers students an internationally recognized education in English.

        formatio Private School

        The state-recognized private school offers 3 school levels: primary school, secondary school, and upper grade gymnasium.

        School fees must be paid for each school year.

        Timeout School (TOS)

        The Timeout School Liechtenstein is for adolescents aged between 11 and 16. It can be attended if young people are in a difficult school, family, or personal situation. Intensive work is already done at the regular school before the Timeout School becomes a topic. The request for a place in the Timeout School is made by the social worker of the regular school. Regular school includes schools such as the high school, secondary school, or gymnasium.

        Special Educational Day School of the Educational Center (HPZ)

        In the special educational day school of the HPZ, children and adolescents aged

        4 to 18 years (in exceptional cases up to 20 years) are supported. Special education means that these children and adolescents have special learning needs.

        The special educational day school is divided into the special educational school and the language healing school.

        Liechtenstein Music School

        The Liechtenstein Music School teaches music-enthusiastic children, adolescents, and adults. There are individual and group lessons. Instruction is offered in various musical instruments, singing, and music theory.

        Liechtenstein Art School

        The Liechtenstein Art School is a place for art and design. There are classes and courses for children, adolescents, and adults. There is also a one-year full-time preparatory course.

        Seniors’ College

        The Seniors’ College conducts a lecture series on topics such as natural sciences, medicine, literature, history, law, economics, music, and art.

        School Holidays

        In the school holiday calendar, you will find an overview of the school holidays for the current school year.

        School Social Work

        The school social work is a free and accessible service of the Liechtenstein Ministry of Education for public schools. It accompanies children and adolescents in the

        process of growing up, supports them in coping with life, and promotes their skills to solve personal and social problems. Teachers and parents are strengthened in their educational tasks, and the school is supported in social-pedagogical matters.

        Further information can be found at:

        School Psychological Service

        Some children have problems in school. For example, with learning. Or there are behavior problems. Then the school psychological service provides help. It supports students, parents, and teachers. Detailed information can be found here: