
Liechtenstein is a very innovative and opportunity-rich location for business. The number of jobs is higher than the number of people living here. Every day, many workers commute from neighboring countries to Liechtenstein.

Social Insurances

Social insurances provide financial protection. For example, in old age, when one is no longer working, when one falls ill, or has an accident and can no longer work. Additionally, there is financial security for relatives in case the insured person passes away.

This security is ensured both by private initiatives and by social insurances and social assistance.

With the exception of health insurance, contributions must be paid to the aforementioned social insurances in relation to wages.

The employer and employee each bear a certain share. The state supports this social insurance system and also makes a financial contribution.

    Health Insurance

    Illness and maternity are covered by health insurance. All persons residing in Liechtenstein must insure themselves with a health insurance provider. The health insurance covers the costs of medical care. In addition to the insurance premium, the insured must bear part of the costs themselves.

    Pension Schemes

    Provision for old age, death, and disability is structured according to the three-pillar principle.

    1st Pillar: This represents state provision.

    It covers all employed persons in Liechtenstein and all resident non-employed persons, such as housewives or students.

    Billing is handled through the AHV-IV-FAK institution.

    2nd Pillar: This is the occupational provision for employees receiving a certain minimum income. It complements the benefits of the 1st pillar.

    3rd Pillar: This is the private provision. It is not mandatory and refers to private insurance or savings plans.

      Old Age and Survivors Insurance (AHV)

      Women and men born in 1957 or earlier are eligible for retirement at age 64. For those born in 1958 and later, retirement begins at age 65. This means that they do not have to work anymore and will receive a pension, i.e., money. To receive a pension, one must have worked for a certain period or contributed money to the AHV.

      Further information, including early retirement or postponement of pension, can be found at:

      Disability Insurance (IV)

      Disability pensions mean that people with disabilities and support needs receive money.

      They should be able to support their livelihood fully or partially on their own. It is important for them to lead as independent a life as possible.

      Integration measures: These come first. People should be able to work paid jobs despite a disability. However, in some cases, that is not possible, or not possible in the way one would like. Then these individuals receive a disability pension.

      Family Compensation Fund (FAK)

      The FAK provides a one-time birth allowance and a monthly child allowance to parents residing in Liechtenstein and all employed parents in Liechtenstein.

        Unemployment Insurance (ALV)

        Unemployment means that a person has no job. There can be various reasons for this.

        Through unemployment insurance, an insured person receives daily allowances. The daily allowances are limited. The forms and guidelines can be found here:

        Social Assistance (WSH)

        Social assistance is a state offer. It supports people who have too little money to live on. Economic social assistance is received by people who do not receive or receive too little money from social insurances such as unemployment insurance, disability insurance, or old-age and survivors insurance. The goal of social assistance is for these individuals to be able to take care of themselves again soon. At the Office for Social Services, one can make an appointment for an initial interview.

        Further information can be found here:

        Property Insurances

        Property insurances include, for example:

        • Fire Insurance

        • Theft Insurance

        • Water Damage Insurance

        • Glass Insurance

        • Valuables Insurance

        • Pet Insurance

        Here you will find a good summary of the different insurances: